Friday, July 13, 2012

If you really knew me...

 First off, let's just say that this week has got on my LAST nerve, I'm so freakin' Happy its Finally Friday... even though it IS Friday the 13th!

Friday, Please be nice to me today....
Second off, ;)
On this glorious, (going good so far) Friday morning, I came across this Babes' blog, who jacked it from this Hottie, and so I thought I'd ride the train (choo choo ;) ) and write my own...

If you really knew me...
*you'd know my favorite color is any shade of purple :)
*you'd know that I absolutely my job & the work I do. I'm very passionate about my career in the male dominated field of Public Health
*you'd know that I used to want to be a famous singer growing up, but that all changed once I realized that my singing sounded more like someone was killing a cat... Thanks dad for always pointing that out for me.. :)
*You'd know that I'm the queen of saying "that's what she said" at the most inappropriate times
*You'd know that I love working out, but that I'm trying my hardest to be a "runner".. thus I've signed up to run me 2nd 5K come September.
*You'd know that I played Volleyball, Tennis, Basketball, and ran Track in high school, and the only sport I still play is Volleyball. I usually play in a sand league in the spring and indoors in the fall. (Insider Info: my name on the back of our team shirts is ShoTeaze ;)
* You'd know that I absolutely can not stand the sound of someone popping their knuckles or neck.. it really sounds like dragging your nails on a chalkboard to me..
*You'd know that, like Steph, I can fall asleep anywhere at anytime.. I can honestly say that I nap in my office during my lunch hour at least twice a week... slobber on my desk and all.. Don't Hate..
*You'd know that I'm a sucker for anything that has a floral print.. and really, anything having to do with flowers :)
*You'd know that one of my hobbies is painting. I have about 8 different paintings on display at mi casa.
*You'd know that I have a love hate relationship with OH-...
Well that's a good start...
Now that you know the intimate details of my being...
Consider yourself my BFF.. Like Forever and ever and ever!! :)
Tootles Love!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Case of the "Black Foot"

The past few weekends have been dangerously too good of a time for me to be motivated to keep my job.. I just want to turn in my 2 week notice, sell everything I own, and travel around the world!!! But.. my bank account slaps me back to reality this morning... BOOOOO!

 I last left off jetsetting to the West Coast for a celebration!
Two of my favorite people got hitched!
Get ready for the "ultimate photo dump"

I got into the San Fransisco Airport on Wednesday and met up with 2 of the other bridesmaids to get the party started.. much to our surprise (NOT) we had a no plans for dinner but instead did a little too much drankin' and the night resulted in a 2AM pizza run :)... Bad Idea?.. but lesson learned Right?!... Right!

Thursday morning we drove to San Jose/ Saratoga where the wedding rehearsal was at the Hokone Gardens...

This place was gorgeous and serene, and all around just really peaceful (perfect place to help heal my major hangover) The coy fish were huge and really friendly to those with food.. you could just reach down and pet them. (I usually don't like petting slimy or wiggling things ;) but in this case I made an exception ;p)
After the rehearsal, all the girls corralled together for a "girls spa day" and the rehearsal dinner.

(Gabby, Me, Alex, Michelle, Jen)
(Bride, Jen, My Pimp)

On to the day of the wedding...
The bridesmaid dresses we're made out of a very soft jersey-like material that wrinkled wayyyy too easy, since they were crumbled in on my carry on, so we had to iron it with a portable hand steamer.. Hence this sillyness..
We drank a little champagne,
listened and danced to some funky music,
all while trying to keep Alex calm.. 
We were running around on the hotel grounds all morning and in the hotel room..
and we caught "IT".... dun dun dun...

A case of the "Black Foot"
Don't ask...
Our feet were so freaking grosssssss... Don't judge!
And yes.. my feet look freakishly huge, but I promise I wear a size 7.5, so come October.. you can totally get me some Louis' ;) ;)
On our way to the venue we were partaking in the infamous portable bar...

(The nervous Boozing Bride, Me, Gab)

After some goofing off...

and some errotica....
Just trying to keep her makeup off her dress... NO Christian Grey business going on here....

It finally took an army to get Alex zipped up in that dress!

(suck it in!)


On to the Traditonal Ceremony

Sake Ceremony

I now pronounce you Husband & Wife!
Party Time!!!

All the Bridesmaids

(Me, Brian, Alex, Mr.PIC)
A little slow dancin....

A Lotta Booty Shakin..

Even a hilarious game called the "shoe game".. but they used hankie's instead.

This was one of the best weddings I've ever been to! Now, I may be a little partial because I have known  both the bride and groom, and was even with them the night they met back in 2007. Let's just say that night included skinny dipping in a public pool and a broken toe.. Oh College.. These two crazy kids have a passion for international public health & traveled 3 different countries together! They are def a couple that knows how to get through the up's & downs of life together! 
It was such an honor to be a part of this wedding. These two are very important to me and I couldn't be happier for them! I have a lot of love and respect for them, and am so happy to be a part of their life and journey.
Congrats Bryan & Alex!
I <3 You!